How come LinkAssistant cannot find any Prospects?
If you Search for Prospects in your LinkAssistan project, and the task fails or ends up showing no results - check on the possible reasons below, and ways to fix those:
You're using the Free version and skip the captchas
In the Free version, you need to enable CAPTCHA in the app and make sure you skip none - to prove the queries are not automated and to prevent the search engines from temp-blocking your IP for excessive activity.
Please open Preferences > Search Safety Settings > CAPTCHA Settings and make sure to enable the Show CAPTCHA... option:
Re-run the search, but make sure you skip no captchas throughout the search and don't leave the app running unattended.
The search method is not covered by the Safe Query mode
In the paid version of LinkAssistant, the searches run through the CAPTCHA-free Safe Query mode. Yet not all of the search methods are covered by the mode: if you're using the Custom Search method, you'll need to enable CAPTCHA and skip none of the captchas shown.
If you'd rather not resolve CAPTCHAs manually, consider getting an Anti-CAPTCHA key.
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